Positive Parenting Newsfeed—a Child Trends Project—is Supported by the National Science Foundation

Reaching and Engaging with Hispanic Communities: A Research-Informed Communication Guide for Nonprofits, Policymakers, and Funders

Research-Informed Communications Guide for Nonprofits, Policymakers, and Funders

Read Reaching and Engaging with Hispanic Communities: Research-Informed Communications Guide for Nonprofits, Policymakers, and Funders, a Child Trends Hispanic Institute and Crimson Bridge report, written by Alicia Torres, Luz Guerra, Selma Caal, and Weilin Li.

Strategic communication is central to an organization’s ability to advance its mission and its capacity to serve the community. This guide is designed to help service providers and educators build communication strategies to better serve Latino children and their families.

Download the full publication.

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